How to Make a Continuous Mix

  1. Hello-
    I am using TS Pro creating continuous mixes but find it distracting to have to "cut" the mix while mixing. does any one have a suggestion on a better method to create tracks? Post mix software? i'm using macbook pro.

    thanks for the read

  2. Hi, good question: im at work early and its sunday so my brain isnt workin right now lol but what do u mean by 'cut' ? Apologies for my lack of brain skills.
  3. Do u mean to seperate the tracks within the complete mix so then u have individual tracks?

    If so, ive been using AVS4U.
    Its simple, can adjust any quality loss made during cutting and bring it back. Free trial from the website too. There are much better programs and software that im sure the forum know more about than me. Anyway, hope i find something

  4. You mean like a .cue file?
  5. Have you checked the Preferences settings: Split File at Size

    You can record up to 2 gigabytes of music before Traktor will split a mix.

    If you have your sample rate at 44100 you will get approx 202 minutes in a 2GB mix.
    The higher the sample rate the less recording time you get.

    The Recorder function in Traktor records in wav format. This format has a restriction, a standard wav has a maximum size of 4 gigabytes. This is a restriction in the format, it is not set by NI, it cannot be changed.

    Traktor does not recored anything larger than 2 gigabytes because this it is the size that many audio applications can easily open.

    Traktor does not support the Wave64 format which is not restricted to 4 GB.

    A lot of people use Audacity to split mixes into tracks.
    Theres also Mixmiester which is good for making mixes albeit a bit automated.


    Last edited: Feb 16, 2014
  6. I'm on Windows 8, and I use a tool called Roxio sound editor. It comes with the Roxio easy cd creator software. I'm not sure if the Mac version called Roxio Toast has a similar application. Once I finish recording a mix, I import the .wav file into sound editor. I just have to playback the mix and press "t" to create a track marker. I can then export each track as a .wav file and burn the cd with cd text.
  7. I make dj continuous mixes and want to create tracks but keep the mix intact. its so people can move to the next track but no gaps occur in listening
  8. I make dj continuous mixes and want to create tracks but keep the mix intact. its so people can move to the next track but no gaps occur in listening
  9. That's exactly what Sound Editor will do. Attached is a screen capture of a mix I just made. It's nearly 80 minutes long, which is the maximum capacity of an extended cd. I create track markers for each song, then export each track as a lossless .wav file. I then use Roxio Music Disc creator to add each track along with the Artist and Title of each track and burn to cd. There is no gap between tracks.

    Some people actually still listen to cds. I provide cds to several of my friends along with a podcast of the entire mix.

    Roxio Sound Editor.JPG

  10. Thank You... that is exactly what I do and what I am looking for. I don't burn to CD but do upload to sound cloud and create MP3 mixes for friends.

    thanks again.

  11. You're not reading my ENTIRE comments. Look at Roxio Toast.
  12. "windows only yea!! (sorry i'm a windows lover nothing wron w/mac just not for me) and yse I did see you say check the toast version I just was hacking" ;) sorry I don't mean to hijack your thread brtdds....XMan714 is that in like the $30 dollhair version of Roxio easy cd creator?...
  13. Use Fission on Mac here. Should be a good fit for you. Perfect for post-mix work. Splits files, converts, will even upload to SoundCloud for you.

  14. Not sure if Sound Editor is included with Easy CD. You can buy an older version of the software which should be cheaper.
  15. cool thanks XMan714...good luck brtdds with finding what works for you...

  16. Hey thanks for the response.... I saw that program but was leery of it. Have you tried it? I have been playing with Audacity but I cannot get it to keep my mix intact. It cuts it into tracks. All I want is to track a continuous mix and KEEP IT INTACT so I can upload it to Soundcloud.


  17. I think I've had it since it was first released, but mostly use it to batch convert and split up files. It has chapter support for AAC files only so if you're adamant about mp3 files I guess it won't do. Anyway, I just came across this: Have not used it, but would give it a try if in your position. And since you already went through the trouble of setting up the chapter marks in Audacity, you could export the marks to a text file and import them on the website and push it to soundcloud from there as a single file. Read up on the blog posts from July 2013 to see how to do that. Good luck.


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